2013 Book to Movie Challenge


Alright folks! Today we have another exciting new first for Doing Dewey! I will be hosting my first ever reading challenge, the 2013 Book to Movie Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to review books and the movies which they’ve been made into. It’s a tough job, but someone has to let us book lovers know which movies are going to fulfill our dreams of watching our favorite books come to life and which movies are going to ruthlessly shatter those dreams!

To enter, just click through to the linky at the bottom of this post and link to a post on your blog mentioning the challenge and the challenge level you’re attempting. You can change challenge levels at any time and the challenge levels are as follows:

Movie Fan – read 3 books and watch their movies
Movie Devotee – read 6 books and watch their movies
Movie Lover – read 9 books and watch their movies
Movie Aficionado – read 12 books and watch their movies

Click here to enter your link and view this Inlinkz list (feel free to type n/a instead of actually leaving your e-mail)…

Those of you who signed up earlier will note that we’ve moved from Linky Lists to Inlinkz, for reasons of not having to pay money to keep the list up. I moved over everyone’s earlier entries (by hand – yes, this was about as fun as it sounds, haha) which means you’ll need to let me know if you want your link removed. Also, Inlinkz won’t let me not require an e-mail address so feel free to fill in that box with whatever if you don’t want to leave your e-mail. Thanks guys!

Credit for the logo, to which I artistically added writing, goes to the Ozark Dale County Public Library.


Filed under Book To Movie Challenge

157 responses to “2013 Book to Movie Challenge

  1. Can’t wait to get started on this challenge! It will be a great one.

  2. Gah – why are you trying to get me to break my no challenge rule for 2013! This one looks too good to pass up, and there are quite a few movies coming out that I want to read the books for too.

  3. Pingback: My Reading Challenges for 2013 « All I Do is Eat and Read

  4. Star

    Thanks for hosting this. It sounds like a ton of fun =) I can’t wait!

  5. Pingback: A 2013 Reading Challenge – Doing Dewey’s Book to Movie Challenge « Reflections of a Book Addict

  6. I think that I will most definitely do the Movie Aficionado level. I watch ALOT of films and reading is my first love, so why not combine them?

    • Great! I didn’t used to watch a lot of movies, but it’s become a pretty standard date night for the boy and I. I especially like seeing what he thinks of the movies not having read the book, compared to how I feel about it 🙂 I hope you have fun with the challenge!

  7. Dina ^_^

    I’m so joining in!!

  8. Dina ^_^

    Reblogged this on The Moonlight Serenity and commented:
    Comments? Keep them short, clear, and to the point. So this is Diana, reporting that I’m excited to make this challenge. =)

  9. Pingback: Reading Challenge 2013 | Stung by the splendor of a crazy thought

  10. Pingback: In The Flesh: 2013 Reading Challenges We’ve Entered | Bitches With Books

  11. Oh I may have to join you even though I said no more challenges! I will do this anyway because I’m in a book group at my local library that does books into movies. We’re discussing Rosemary’s Baby tonight.

  12. Pingback: Book To Movie Reading Challenge 2013 » I'd Rather Be Reading At The Beach

  13. Pingback: 2013 Reading Challenges « lustandcoffee

  14. Thanks for hosting this, it looks like fun. I was looking for a third challenge to do in 2013, and now I have one 🙂

  15. Thanks for hosting. Looks like a fun challenge! I signed up and I’m looking forward to getting started!

  16. I have a question. Can we watch movies that are already out or is it movies that are releasing in 2013?

    • Nope, any movies count. I’m also counting TV shows as long as I watch at least a “movie length” amount of them. And I think an a book you’ve already read is fine, although I think it’s the most fun if you’ve done or do a review of both the book and the movie so people can get your thoughts on both 🙂 I’m planning on posting guidelines and a linky for reviews around Jan 1st, so all these details will be included there.

  17. Another. And do they have to be new books. I have read The Host and City of Bones, but the movies releases in 2013.

  18. Kate

    We have decided to go for the Movie Aficionado level. I must admit a guilty pleasure of mine is books that have been turned into movies. I have already thought of a few books that i will be revisiting and ones i want to read as part of the challenge.

    Some I will be reading are:

    The Help
    Beautiful Creatures
    The Twilight Saga (will try and read the whole thing and class it as one)
    Lord Of The Rings (will try and read the whole thing and class it as one)
    A Stephen King (not sure which one yet)

    We will post our book list in the next few days please keep an eye out for it!

    • That sounds like a great selection! Also, I think it would be totally legitimate to count your trilogies as three movies, but combining them is definitely fine too 🙂 Thanks for joining the challenge!

      • Kate

        Here is the full list I am aiming for (if I need to split the three that are currently in series I will thank you for letting me know =)

        Beastly (Alex Flynn)

        Beautiful Creatures (Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl)

        Dear John (Nicholas Sparks)

        Inkheart (Cornelia Funke)

        Legends Of The Guardians: The Capture (Book 1) (Kathryn Lasky)

        Les Miserables (Victor Hugo)

        Misery (Stephen King)

        The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe / Voyage Of The Dawn Treader and Prince Caspian (C.S. Lewis)

        The Help (Kathryn Stockett)

        The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring / The Two Towers and Return Of The King (J.R.R. Tolkein)

        The Three Musketeers (Alexandre Dumas)

        The Twilight Saga: Twilight / New Moon / Eclipse and Breaking Dawn (Stephanie Meyer)

      • Thanks for sharing! I’ve already heard about a couple of movies I didn’t realize were based on books and some books I didn’t know were currently being made into movies, so I’m excited to check out everyone’s lists 🙂

  19. I’m in! A number of books on my 2013 TBR stack have been made into movies…so this fits right in!

  20. Kimberly

    This is a fantastic challenge! I’m hoping to turn it into a monthly family event. And this works well with my “bucket list” of books to read.

  21. Pingback: 2013 Challenges: Book to Movie | Improvisate

  22. Pingback: 2013 Book to Movie Challenge | Tipping My Fedora

  23. I’m belatedly joining in and thanks for having me (though at the moment the links seems to be ‘inoperative’) – I posted a post here: http://bloodymurder.wordpress.com/2012/12/30/2013-book-to-movie-challenge/

  24. Success – thanks Katie, greatly appreciated!

  25. Pingback: Book to Movie Challenge | The Book Dinosaur

  26. Pingback: Reading Challenges - 2013 | The Solitary BookwormThe Solitary Bookworm

  27. Jenny Hubenthal

    I am looking forward to this challenge as I love reading books made into movies and have several on my list

  28. Pingback: 2013 Book Challenges | | Out of the Bags

  29. Pingback: 2013: Challenge ACCEPTED! | Foods 'N' books

  30. Great reading challenge! I’m excited to combine my love of reading and my love of watching movies! 🙂

    I’ve gone with books/films that I’ve neither read nor watched before.
    Here’s my list –

    Never Let Me Go
    The Prestige
    Winter’s Bone
    Sophie’s Choice
    Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

  31. Pingback: 2013 Book to Movie Challenge | what books do to me

  32. Rachael

    Love to do this challenge.

  33. Oooh ! This sounds a lot of fun !! :)) I will definitely join ^^ ♥

  34. Linky is expired T^T. But I’ll definitely join.

    Whatever You Can Still Betray

  35. Benjamin

    This will give me an excuse to revisit some old favourites and discover a few new ones I am sure…

    The Melancholy of Resistance ~ Laszlo Krasznahorkai (film version Werckmeister Harmonies)

    Sanatorium Under the Sign of the Hourglass ~ Bruno Schulz

    Keep the Aspidistra Flying ~ George Orwell

    Roadside Picnic ~ Arkady Strugatsky (Film version Stalker)

    And many more.

    • The only thing I’ve read by Orwell is Animal Farm, for high school of course, but I liked it a lot so I’ll be particularly interested to read your review of Kaep the Aspidistra Flying 🙂 Thanks for joining in!

  36. Was there a cutoff date for joining or is there a problem with the linky tool? I want to join, and here is my post, I’ll check back again later 🙂


    • there was a problem with the list – it turns out you have to pay to use linky lists long term, so I’ve posted a new Inlinkz list you can use and that’s up now. Thanks for joining in 🙂

  37. Does anyone have a list of 2013 movies based on books?

  38. Pingback: 2013 Book to Movie Challenge - Logan E. Turner

  39. Patrice

    I’ve been wanting to read several books before their movies come out this year…Movie Devoteee for me please & thank you!

  40. I signed in! thanks for hosting!

  41. Pingback: “2013 Book to Movie Challenge”, de la carte la film | Lecturi de mămică

  42. Hy! I’ve heard about your challenge from my friend Roxana and I accepted it. Great ideea! 🙂

  43. Pingback: Reading Resolutions: The Year Ahead | Required Reading

  44. Pingback: Quirky’s 2013 Reading Challenges: Book to Movie Challenge | Bitches With Books

  45. Gena

    I’m in just finished reading The Lovely Bones and I’m in the process of watching the movie. I’ll see how far I can go with this, I’ll post links later.

  46. Pingback: 2013 Reading Challenges | Let’s Do This…Literature | mint condition

  47. Kate

    Hey I finished my 1st book for this challenge yesterday =D

    Misery by Stephen King


  48. one question: do i have to have read the book this year? i read life of pi couple of years earlier and watched the movie last week – does that count?
    i do have the whole year ahead for my goal anyways:)

    • I think having read the book earlier is fine – or the other way around, if a movie was out earlier. It would be nice if you mention the book a little – did you like it or not, do you remember any big differences from the movie, etc – but not necessary. I’m really hosting this challenge as a way for people to have fun, so whatever you’d enjoy the most is great 🙂

  49. Pingback: Challenges Update: January « The Book Dinosaur

  50. Hi, I’m kind of joining the party late here, is this challenge closed? I’ve already started reading a bunch of books in January for the Goodreads yearly challenge and they happen to all be books-to-film anyway before I even saw this challenge because those are the types of books I like to read. Well anyway hope to jump in late if I can!

  51. Pingback: Book to Movie Challenge | Confession of Bookaholic

  52. Well I didn’t read that you wanted us to review the movies in full. My blog isn’t for that purpose, but I would be glad to put my opinion in on whether I thought the movie was a good book to movie adaptation in my end of the year wrap up post.

    • That’s fine! I really want the challenge to just be a way for everyone to find everyone else’s reviews and don’t think we need to be to stuck on the “rules”/guidelines. I would love to hear what you think about the movies if you have somewhere to include that, so I can learn about really good book to movie adaptations 🙂

  53. Pingback: The Big Sleep (1978) | Tipping My Fedora

  54. Pingback: BRAINWASH (1979) by John Wainwright | Tipping My Fedora

  55. Pingback: DREADFUL SUMMIT (1948) by Stanley Ellin | Tipping My Fedora

  56. Megan

    Great challenge! There are several movies I’ve been waiting to see because I haven’t yet read the books (e.g. Anna Karenina, Silver Linings Playbook, LOTR …), so this is a great excuse to pick them up!

  57. Amanda

    Love this challenge. Thanks for hosting! I joined in!
    -Amanda @ Always A Book Geek

  58. Pingback: Challenges Update: February | The Book Dinosaur

  59. Pingback: Garde à vue (1981) – Tuesday’s Forgotten Film | Tipping My Fedora

  60. Pingback: THE CASE OF THE LATE PIG (1937) by Margery Allingham | Tipping My Fedora

  61. Pingback: Reading Challenge 2013 » Ash's Cerebrations

  62. Pingback: SOMEONE IS BLEEDING (1953) by Richard Matheson | Tipping My Fedora

  63. Pingback: Les Seins de glace (1974) – Tuesday’s Forgotten Film | Tipping My Fedora

  64. Pingback: PROOF OF GUILT (1973) by Bill Pronzini | Tipping My Fedora

  65. Pingback: Challenges Update: March | The Book Dinosaur

  66. Pingback: 2013 Challenges | Dead Book Darling

  67. Pingback: MEMOS FROM PURGATORY (1961) by Harlan Ellison | Tipping My Fedora

  68. Pingback: FUZZ (1968) by Ed McBain | Tipping My Fedora

  69. Pingback: MAIGRET SETS A TRAP (1955) by Georges Simenon | Tipping My Fedora

  70. Pingback: THE NAKED FACE (1970) by Sidney Sheldon | Tipping My Fedora

  71. Pingback: CAT CHASER (1982) by Elmore Leonard | Tipping My Fedora

  72. Pingback: Mid-Year Book Report | Required Reading

  73. Pingback: A CASE OF NEED (1968) by Michael Crichton | Tipping My Fedora

  74. Pingback: The Big Night (1951) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  75. Pingback: THE SIEGE OF TRENCHER’S FARM (1969) by Gordon M. Williams | Tipping My Fedora

  76. Pingback: Straw Dogs (1971) | Tipping My Fedora

  77. Pingback: BINARY (1972) by Michael Crichton | Tipping My Fedora

  78. Pingback: Pursuit (1972) – Tuesday’s Forgotten Film | Tipping My Fedora

  79. Pingback: THE LIVING AND THE DEAD (1954) by Boileau-Narcejac | Tipping My Fedora

  80. Pingback: The First Great Train Robbery (1978) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  81. Pingback: HEAT (1985) by William Goldman | Tipping My Fedora

  82. Pingback: The Carey Treatment (1972) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  83. Pingback: BADGE OF EVIL (1956) by Whit Masterson | Tipping My Fedora

  84. Pingback: THE FOUR JUST MEN (1905) by Edgar Wallace | Tipping My Fedora

  85. Pingback: JIGSAW (1970) by Ed McBain | Tipping My Fedora

  86. Pingback: The Four Just Men (1939) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  87. Pingback: THIS SWEET SICKNESS (1960) by Patricia Highsmith | Tipping My Fedora

  88. Pingback: The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Annabel (1962) | Tipping My Fedora

  89. Pingback: 2013 Reading Challenge Progress – Q3 | just justice

  90. Pingback: The Hot Rock (1972) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  91. Pingback: THE BIG CLOCK (1946) by Kenneth Fearing | Tipping My Fedora

  92. Pingback: DICK BARTON: THE CASE OF THE VANISHING HOUSE (1978) by Alan Radnor | Tipping My Fedora

  93. Pingback: Payback – Straight Up: The Director’s Cut | Tipping My Fedora

  94. Pingback: DEATH IN CAPTIVITY (1952) by Michael Gilbert | Tipping My Fedora

  95. Pingback: Danger Within (1959) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  96. Pingback: Snail Mail Collective and the Ninja Book Swap | Doing Dewey

  97. Hi, are you planning to do this challenge next year? I didn’t get around to signing up for this year and with the year almost over, I don’t want to start so late. It sounds like a fun challenge and I often try to read a book before its film comes out.


  98. Pingback: THE DROWNING POOL (1950) by Ross Macdonald | Tipping My Fedora

  99. Pingback: THE WINTER MURDER CASE (1939) by SS Van Dine | Tipping My Fedora

  100. Pingback: WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN by Lionel Shriver | Tipping My Fedora

  101. Pingback: A MAGNUM FOR SCHNEIDER (1969) by James Mitchell | Tipping My Fedora

  102. Pingback: The Drowning Pool (1975) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  103. Pingback: IF I DIE BEFORE I WAKE (1938) by Sherwood King | Tipping My Fedora

  104. Pingback: The Lady from Shanghai (1948) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  105. Pingback: Callan (1974) – Tuesday’s Overlooked Film | Tipping My Fedora

  106. Pingback: Book to Movie Challenge 2: The Sequel | Tipping My Fedora

  107. Pingback: 2013 Book to Movie Challenge – completed | Tipping My Fedora

  108. I don’t see a place to leave my wrap up post link so I will just leave a comment. I completed the challenge. I won’t be participating next year as I read a lot of book to movie books for this year in 2013 and don’t see myself reading too many this year so I won’t put that pressure on myself. Thanks for hosting.

    • Yeah, I got pretty busy over the holidays and didn’t end up getting to a wrap up post. Nice job completing the challenge! I hope you had fun this year and completely understand not doing it again if it’s going to make you put pressure on yourself. I always try to make sure I only sign up for challenges I can relax and enjoy doing 🙂

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