Monday Musings

This week the Monday Musings question is the following: If you were going to write a book, what would you write about? Would it be fiction, or nonfiction?

Although I don’t have any plans to ever write a book, I’m pretty sure that if I did I would write non-fiction.  First, I feel like I’ve read enough fiction I’d have trouble coming up with something I haven’t already read about. And second, I think I would most enjoy trying to write about science in a way that’s accessible to everyone.

Feel free to answer the Monday Musing question yourself, either here or on the blog of the memes host, Should Be Reading.  What sort of book would you most like to write?


Filed under Monday Musings

10 responses to “Monday Musings

  1. Harley Bear (@HarleyBearBooks)

    I agree about it being hard to come up with something new. When I was writing a short story for a contest there was one part that I was like “Wait did that happen in Divergent?” I hadn’t read that book in months, but I’m pretty sure it was similar. (The part where tris learns four’s name). Anyway, what kind of nonfiction would you write? My MM Post

    • Exactly! When I had to write fiction in high school, I always had this nagging feeling that I was stealing someone else’s plot 🙂 I would probably right about genetics, hopefully in a way that would be accessible to most readers. Thanks for stopping by! I’ll definitely check out your musing too.

  2. Jessica Howard (@quirkybookworm)

    I’d love to write fiction – but I suck at dialogue. So I guess it’d be nonfiction for me. Or maybe humorous, slightly-fictionalized memoirs…

  3. Kwizgiver

    I like your simplified science idea. I’d love to help write history texts for my students.

    • I think writing text books is a great idea. I’ve used lots of very poorly done text books and I’m sure someone who actually works with the students who would use a text book would do a better job 🙂

  4. wcs53

    Great answer. If I was to write a book I think it would be non-fiction, too. My answer:

    Musing Mondays (May 7)

  5. If I ever wrote a book, it would be a text book. Other than that, I don’t think I have much creativity for fiction.

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